This study is aimed to determine: (1) the influence of parenting style and language attitudes toward the reading comprehension achievement simultenously; (2) the influence of parenting style and language attitude toward the reading comprehesion achievement respectively. This research applied a quantitative approach underlying on descriptive method. The data collection used questionnaires and objective tests. Questionnaires were used to collect the data on parenting style and language attitudes, and the objective testswere used to collect the data of reading comprehension achievement. The samples of this study amounted to 69 people, and the analysis of this study used descriptive statistic namely regression analysis technique. The result of the research showed: (1) there was positive and significant influence of parenting style and language attitude toward reading comprehension achievement of the grade VII students of The State Junior High School 177 Jakarta 92 Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia about 85.5%; (2) there was a positive and significant influence of parenting style toward the reading comprehension achievement about 38.7%, and language attitudes towards reading comprehension achievement was about 10.2%. 

Keywords: language attitude, parenting, reading comprehension achievement


The most influential educational environment for education is the environment family and education in school (Tirtaharja: 2008). The family situation is very influential on child language development because children learn from situations where children grow and grow up in the environment (Djaal: 2008). In the stage of growth, the child's language will experience developments that start from listening to talking, reading, and writing at the next stage.

A democratic family situation full of rewards will affect mastery of aspects of children's language development. If a child speaks, then get positive response from the family, then the child will respond positively again. As a result, children's language skills will be better. Children who feel they get a stimulus good reading skills from family understanding will improve achievement they are at school. That means parenting parents will have a positive effect on children's performance in school including his reading comprehension skills or skills at school.

According to Harington and Whiting quoted by Gibson stated "parenting is all over interaction between parents and children. In these interactions there are ways to communicate, appreciate, pay attention to, discipline and behave towards children (Main: 2000). According to Santosa, the pattern foster care is a way of approaching adults to children in providing guidance, direction, influence and education so that children become mature and able to stand alone.

Parenting in this research is a child's perception of interaction or how to approach parents to children in meeting physical and psychological needs so that children can live in harmony with the environment. The way to approach the tendency can be of a nature authoritarian, permissive or democratic.

Attitude is an important aspect that a person has to determine action towards an object. If the attitude towards Indonesian language is positive it means it also affects comprehension reading skills.

Kridalaksana states language attitude is a mental position or feeling towards language themselves or other people's language (Kridalaksanan: 2001). Language attitude can be observed through behavior speak or behave in speech.

Garvin and Mathiot formulated three characteristics of language attitudes namely (1) Loyalty Language is an attitude that encourages people to maintain their language independence including minimizing the influx of foreign or foreign influences. (2) Pride of Language  is an attitude that encourages a person to make his language a symbol personal or group identity and at the same time distinguish it from other people or groups. (3) Awareness of the existence of language norms (Awarness of the Norm) is an attitude that encourages the use of language carefully, correctly, politely and properly. Such awareness is a very factor determine speech behavior in the form of language use.

The attitude of the language in this study is the mindset and behavior of speakers of the Indonesian language used by students related to the cognitive, affective, and conative components. Cognitive is related to the knowledge and norms of language that are right or wrong, good or bad, desirable or undesirable, affective related to loyalty and judgment of likes or dislikes (Suhardi: 1996), and conative with regard to language pride, tendency to act.

Rubin in Samsu Somadayo reveals that reading comprehension is a process complex intellectual that includes two main abilities, namely mastery of the meaning of words and ability to think about verbal concepts (Somadayo: 2011). Understanding of a material reading does not only depend on what is in the reading, but also depends on previous knowledge that the reader has. This is the process of the reader actively builds his understanding of reading.

According to Burns and Roes (in Hairuddin at al: 2007) reading comprehension consists of four levels, namely literal comprehension, interpretive understanding (interpretative) comprehension), critical comprehension (creative comprehension) and creative understanding (creative comprehension).

Literal understanding is an understanding of what the author said or mentioned in reading texts (Somadayo: 2011). This understanding is obtained by understanding the meaning of the word, sentences and paragraphs in the context of the reading as it is. In understanding this literal no there is deepening of understanding of the contents of reading information. What happens is only knowing remember what is written in the reading.

Interpretive reading is a reading activity that tries to understand what is intended by the author in the reading text. According to Syafi'ie (1999) interpretive understanding must be preceded by literal understanding whose activities include: drawing conclusions, making generalizations, understanding causal relationships, making comparisons, finding relationships new between the facts mentioned in the reading (Syafi'ie: 1999).

Critical reading is reading that aims to provide an assessment of a reading text by engaging in the best way into the reading text. Next according to Burns in Samsu (Somadoyo: 2011) critical reading is evaluating written material, namely comparing the ideas included in the material to known standards and draw conclusions about accuracy, and conformity. Critical readers must be able to become readers who is active, asks, examines the facts, and depends on the judgment / decision until he is consider all material.

Creative reading is the level of reading comprehension at the highest level. This creative reading process, according to Syafi'ie, starts from reading the literal later interpret and give the reaction in the form of an assessment of what was said writer, followed by developing one's own thoughts to form ideas, new insights, approaches and thought patterns (Syafi'ie: 1999).

The ability to read comprehension in this research is a literal ability that involves capturing the meaning of written symbols and interpreting messages written either implicitly or explicitly. The ability to read literals consisting of: knowing reading title, knowing the meaning of the word, the main character, cause and effect, and drawing conclusions. The ability of interpretation consists of: interpreting story messages, interpreting comparison, interpret the characteristics of the story and draw conclusions.

Thus, in this study will prove that the first is true Parenting style influences the ability to read students' understanding and how much big influence; second, is it true that language attitudes influence reading skills a student's understanding and how much it affects; third is the nutmeg and attitude language together influences students' reading comprehension abilities.
Rahmat Ramadhani

Rahmat Ramadhani

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